Hello Event and Meeting Planners,
Let’s begin with expectations.
You can relax.
I’ve been speaking professionally since 1992 (and casually since 1973).
I served as the 1996-97 president of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the National Speakers Association (GLAC/NSA), won the GLAC/NSA 1995 Connie Award (their annual speech contest), and was honored as the GLAC/NSA 2002 Member of the Year.
So I bring extensive experience in: 1) The business of working with event planners, and 2) The craft of delivering effective presentations.
You will impress others.
I work as your partner, helping make you and your event a success.
You and your audience will achieve results.
I offer easy, proven, practical ideas that people can really use.
And my approach inspires people to make changes.
Steve Kaye, Professional Speaker since 1992, Speaking at Conferences, Showing People How to Achieve Results
We need to talk.
This will help us determine if there’s a fit between what you want and what I do.
Then, if you decide to schedule one of my presentations, we begin a partnership.
This has two sides.
Steve Kaye at PIHRA Conference, in His Booth Promoting his Workshops on Leadership Skills
What I Do
I bring a proven presentation.
I research your organization so that I know your audience.
If appropriate, I will speak with leaders in your organization. This helps me match my talk with their vision.
Then I review, revise, and rehearse my presentation. Often I spend days preparing.
I stay in touch to: 1) Let you know that I plan to show up, and 2) Check on news about your event. In general, I call a month, a week, and a day (or two) before your event.
Sometimes I visit the venue before your event to check the room and talk with the support staff.
On the day of your event, I arrive an hour early to: 1) Set up my equipment, 2) Survey the venue, and 3) Greet your members. This also lets me sample the mood and interests of those who attend.
I bring my laptop, projector, and any materials that I need.
I bring an introduction that takes less than a minute to read.
And I stay to talk with people after my presentation.
Steve Kaye, Having Fun
What I Need
Information about your organization, members, and event.
A supportive agenda. If requested, I can offer suggestions that will help make the event an enjoyable success for everyone.
Attendance by the leaders in your organization. Then they will know what their members might want to do as a result of my presentation.
Some type of compensation.
Call me.
Every success begins with a conversation.
See Related Info at:
Teamwork – How We Work Together to Create Success for Both
List of Clients – Who Has Worked With Me
Testimonials – What People Had to Say
Inspiring Presentations by Steve Kaye – What I Do