These publications contain humor, wisdom, tips, and (of course) photos.
Click on the title to read the article.
Find books at: Books by Steve Kaye
Articles about Birds
Allen’s Hummingbird, Female
Birds at Risk: Birds on the Watchlist
Bird Photos: Collection of favorite photos
Birds up Close: Portrait photos of our friends
Endangered Birds: What’s happening and what you can do
Fluffed Up Birds: Uncommon views of birds being birds
Funny Birds: Odd photos of birds doing odd things
Hummingbirds: See photos of these flying jewels
Meet the Western Bluebird: Enjoy this photo tour of the Western Bluebird
One Plain Bird: Meet the House Finch
Watchlist Birds: See birds at risk
Articles about Conservation
Snowy Plover, Male (an Endangered Species)
5 Ways to Help Birds: Easy ways to help birds that also make life better
10 Ways to Save Money on Gas: Save money (lots of it) with these easy, practical tips
Better World: 10 ways that make the World better for everyone
Endangered Birds: Learn about what’s happening and what can be done
Good Citizen Check List: List of actions that lead to sustainable future
I Have a Dream: My vision for a better world
Keep Your Cat Safe: How to keep your cat healthy and safe, article by Olivia Felini (with Steve Kaye’s help)
Pest Control Chemicals: Concerns that affect your safety
Watchlist Birds: See birds at risk
Humor Articles
Funny Birds: Photo cartoons featuring our friends
Steve Kaye’s New Weird Career: The truth about bird photography
The Three Bears: Odd twist on an old tale
Phone Robot Fun: Do these greetings seem familiar?
Warning Labels: Finally, the labels we need
Articles about Living Well
3 Gifts Everyone Wants: Be part of an enjoyable holiday for everyone, including yourself
3 Things to Do Every Day: These things belong on every list of things to do
5 Investments in Happiness: The keys to living well.
27 Ways to Be Kind: How happiness comes from kindness
How to Achieve Success as a Cat: – Remarkable success story with useful tips for humans
Kindness for the Holidays: How to make any event memorable
Music in Public Places: Why they play music
Why Kindness: The benefits of being kind
Photo Articles
Balloon Fiesta Photos: Photos from the 2016 Albuquerque Ballon Fiesta
Butterflies: Photos of butterflies
Flowers: Some favorite photos
Wildlife Photos: Wildlife found in our National Parks
Zion National Park: Extraordinary scenery
Articles about Photography
Autumn Leaves
Dynamic Symmetry: Links to resources and a free grid.
How to Buy the Best Camera (for Yourself): 5 Questions to guide your shopping.
Break the Rules: Sometimes this produces better results.
Articles about Steve Kaye
Bio: Who I am and what I’ve done.
Mission and Values: What I’m doing and why
Ethics: How I conduct my business
Hello, Event Planners: How we’ll work together
Green Business: How I apply my values
List of Clients: Organizations that have benefited from my presentations and services
Organizations: Organizations that I support
My Photo Equipment: What I use (and have used)
My Presentations: Descriptions of my presentations
My Photo Class: What people learn
Meeting Facilitation: A service for special situations
Privacy Policy: How I protect your privacy
Teamwork: How I work with clients
Testimonials: What people have said
The Other Side of the Speaking Business: 12 Challenges and how I resolved them
Miscellaneous Publications
My Blogs: Provocative articles with special photos
NSA Article: What’s Next for You? My article that appeared in Speaker Magazine
Poetry: Samples of my poems
Typepad Blogs: While showing leaders how to achieve results, I published more than 900 blogs on this site. Now I’m back posting more success skills.
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Special Note: Income from my books and other products supports conservation programs.